- [INFOCOM][Adjunct] R. Kuchida, M. Olapade, K. Post, A. H. Ahmed, H. Flores: Assembling Edge Intelligence and Decentralized Infrastructure on Command using LLMs, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 2025), 2025.
- [ACM-TIOT] F. Dar, M. Olapade, A. Ottun, Z. Yin, M. Liyanage, U. Norbisrath, M. Radeta, F. A. Silva, X. Su, J. Edinger, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: TOAD: Profiling and Evaluating 3D printed IoT Rapid Prototype Designs, ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, 2025.
- [IEEE-PC] P. Ngoy, F. Dar, M. Liyanage, Z. Yin, U. Norbisrath, A. Zuniga, J. Pestana, M. Radeta, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: Supporting Sustainable Computing by Repurposing E-waste Smartphones as Tiny Data Centers, IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, 2025.
- [HotMobile] K. Post, R. Kuchida, M. Olapade, Z. Yin, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: ContextLLM: Meaningful Context Reasoning from Multi-Sensor and Multi-Device Data using LLMs, In Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2025), 2025.
- [HotMobile] K. Post, R. Kuchida, M. Olapade, Z. Yin, H. Flores: Poster: Making Sensing Interactive and Descriptive with LLMs: Context Reasoning from Multi-Sensor Data, In Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2025), 2025.
- [JMIR] N. H. Motlagh, A. Zuniga,N. T. Nguyen, H. Flores, J. Wang, S. Tarkoma, M. Prosperi, S. Helal, P. Nurmi: Population Digital Health: Continuous Health Monitoring and Profiling at Scale, Online Journal of Public Health Informatics.
- [IEEE-Computer] A. Ottun, A. Akintola, M. Liyanage, M. Boerger, P. Hui, S. Tarkoma, N. Tchotchev, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: AI Robustness against Attacks in City-Scale Autonomous Drone Deployments, IEEE Computer Magazine.
- [IEEE-PC] A. Zuniga, M. Olapade, N. H. Motlagh, M. Liyanage, Z. Yin, F. Dar, N. T. Nguyen, A. Akintola, M. Radeta, S. Tarkoma, H. Flores, P. Nurmi:Low-cost Sensing for Environmental Sustainability, IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine.
- [IEEE-PC] A. Akintola, M. Liyanage, R. Machado, U. Norbisrath, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: Smart Plants on Wheels: Enhancing Indoor Productivity using Smart Plants and Autonomous Ground Drones, IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine
- [ICDCS] A. Ottun, R. Marasinghe, T. Elemosho, M. Liyanage, A. H. Ahmed,..., H. Flores: Demo: SPATIAL: Practical Trustworthiness with Human Oversight, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2024), Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, July 23 - 26, 2024.
- [IEEE-Computer] H. Flores: AI Sensors and Dashboards, IEEE Computer Magazine, 2024.
- [ICDCS] A. Ottun, R. Marasinghe, T. Elemosho, M. Liyanage, M. Ragab, ... , H. Flores: The SPATIAL Architecture: Design and Development Experiences from Gauging and Monitoring the AI Inference Capabilities of Modern Applications, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2024), Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, July 23 - 26, 2024. (acceptance rate 21%)
- [IEEE-PC] H. Flores: The Role of Micro-Mobility in Environmental Monitoring: Reflections and Opportunities on the Use of Pervasive Sensing, IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, 2024.
- [UMAP] M. Olapade, T. Hasanli, A. Ottun, A. Akintola, M. Liyanage, H. Flores: Pervasive Chatbots: Investigating Chatbot Interventions for Multi-Device Applications, In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2024), Cagliari, Italy, 2024 (acceptance rate 22.6%)
- [ACM-TiiS] M. Radeta, R. Freitas, C. Rodrigues, A. Zuniga, N. T. Nguyen, H. Flores, P. Nurmi: Man and the Machine: Effects of AI-assisted Human Labeling on Interactive Annotation of Real-Time Video Streams, ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, 2024
- [IoTDI] F. Dar, M. Liyanage, M. Olapade, A. Ottun, A. Akintola, F. A. Silva, H. Flores: Demo Abstract: PRINCE: Device Energy Estimation with a Single Photo, In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on the Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2024), 2024.
- [IoTDI] H. Flores, A. Zuniga, M. Radeta, Z. Yin, M. Liyanage, N. H. Motlagh, N. T. Nguyen, S. Tarkoma, M. Youssef, P. Nurmi: SEAGULL: Low-Cost Pervasive Sensing for Monitoring and Analysing Underwater Plastics, In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on the Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2024), CPS-IoT Week, Hong Kong, May 13-16, 2024.
- [IoTDI] F. Dar, M. Olapade, A. Ottun, Z. Yin, M. Liyanage, A. Zuniga, M. Passanantti, S. Tarkoma, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: LIZARD: Pervasive Sensing for Autonomous Plastic Litter Monitoring, In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on the Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI 2024), CPS-IoT Week, Hong Kong, May 13-16, 2024.
- [HotMobile] N. Thin Nguyen, A. Zuniga, M. Radeta, H. Flores, P. Nurmi: Life is Plastic? Detecting the Presence of Micro-Plastics in Food and Drink Containers, In Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2024), 2024.
- [IEEE-TCSS] N. Thin Nguyen, M. Zubair, A. Zuniga, S. Tarkoma, P. Hui, H. Lee, S. T. Perrault, M. Ammar, H. Flores, P. Nurmi: The Price is Right? The Economic Value of Sensor Sharing, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems.
- [IEEE-IoT-Magazine] H. Flores: Opportunistic Multi-Drone Networks: Filling the Spatiotemporal Holes of Collaborative and Distributed Applications, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, 2023.
- [SenSys] Z. Yin, M. Liyanage, A. Ottun, F. Dar, M. Olapade, H. Flores: Demo: A Smart Ring Monitoring Your Health using Hand-grip Strength, In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2023), 2023.
- [IoT] M. Olapade, A. Ottun, Z. Yin, M. Liyanage, A. Akintola, H. Flores: Demo: Seamless Integration of Nano-Drones and Sensors for Agriculture Monitoring at Scale, (IoT 2023), 2023.
- [BigData][Adjunct] A. Ottun, M. Asadi, M. Boerger, N. Tcholtchev, J. F. F. Goncalves, D. Borovĉanin, B. Siniarski, H. Flores: One to Rule them All: A Study on Requirement Management Tools for the Development of Modern AI-based Software, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data Workshops (Big Data Workshops 2023), Sorrento, Italy, December 15-18, 2023.
- [UbiComp][IMWUT] M. Radeta, C. Rodrigues, F. Silva, P. Abreu, J. Pestana, N. T. Nguyen, A. Zuniga, H. Flores, P. Nurmi: Lost in the Deep? Performance Evaluation of Dead Reckoning Techniques in Underwater Environments, In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2023.
- [IoT] O. Mayowa, A. Ottun, Z. Yin, M. Liyanage, A. Makarov, H. Flores: Low-Cost Produce Quality Estimation at Scale: A Practical Re-purposing Framework for Pervasive Agriculture, In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on the Internet of Things (IoT 2023), November 7-10, Nagoya, Japan, 2023.
- [HotMobile] Z. Yin, M. Liyanage, H. Flores: Demo: Protecting Yourself Against Drink Spiking using Wearables, In Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2023), 2023.
- [HotMobile] Z. Yin, M. Liyanage, A. Zuniga, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: Hedgehog: Detecting Drink Spiking on Wearables, In Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2023), 2023.
- [ACM-TIOT] F. Dar, M. Liyanage, M. Radeta, Z. Yin, A. Zuniga, S. Kosta, S. Tarkoma, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: Upscaling Fog Computing in Oceans for Underwater Pervasive Data Science using Low-Cost Micro-Clouds, ACM Transactions on Internet of Things, 2022.
- [IEEE-IC] A. Ottun, P. C. Mane, Z. Yin, S. Paul, M. Liyanage, J. Pridmore, A. Yi Ding, R. Sharma, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: Social-aware Federated Learning: Challenges and Opportunities in Collaborative Data Training, IEEE Internet Computing Magazine.
- [UbiComp][IMWUT] Z. Yin, M. Liyanage, A. Ottun, S. Paul, A. Zuniga, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: HIPPO: Pervasive Hand-grip Estimation from Everyday Interactions, In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2022.
- [IEEE-PC] A. Zuniga, N. H. Motlagh, M. Hoque, S. Tarkoma, H. Flores, P. Nurmi: See No Evil: Discovering Covert Surveillance Devices using Thermal Imaging , IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, 2022, (IF: 4.95).
- [PMC] F. Dar, H. Emenike, Z. Yin, M. Liyanage, R. Sharma, A. Zuniga, M. A. Hoque, M. Radeta, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: The MIDAS Touch: Thermal Dissipation Resulting From Everyday Interactions as a Sensing Modality, Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (Elsevier), 2022, (IF: 2.72)
- [IEEE-IoT-Journal] A. Zuniga, N. H. Motlagh, H. Flores, P. Nurmi: Smart Plants: Low-Cost Solution for Monitoring Indoor Environments , IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022, (IF: 9.93).
- [IEEE-CEMAG] N. H. Motlagh, M. Irjala, A. Zuniga, E. Lagerspetz, V. Rantala, H. Flores, P. Nurmi, S. Tarkoma: Toward Blue Skies: City-Scale Air Pollution Monitoring using UAVs, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2022.
- [IEEE-Computer] M. Radeta, A. Zuniga, N. H. Motlagh, M. Liyanage, R. Freitas, M. Youssef, S. Tarkoma, H. Flores, P. Nurmi: Deep Learning and the Oceans, IEEE Computer Magazine, 2022 (IF: 3.56)
- [IEEE-PC] Z. Yin, M. Olapade, M. Liyanage, F. Dar, A. Zuniga, N. H. Motlagh, X. Su, S. Tarkoma, P. Hui, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: Toward City-Scale Litter Monitoring using Autonomous Ground Vehicles, IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, (IF: 4.95).
- [IEEE-Computer] H. Flores, A. Zuniga, L. Tonetto, T. Braud, P. Hui, Y. Li, S. Tarkoma, M. Ammar, P. Nurmi: Collaboration Stability: Quantifying the Success and Failure of Opportunistic Collaboration, IEEE Computer Magazine (IF: 3.56).
- [UbiComp][IMWUT] M. Juhani Rinta-Homi, N. H. Motlagh, A. Zuniga, H. Flores, P. Nurmi: How low can you go? Performance Trade-offs in Low-Resolution Thermal Sensors for Occupancy Detection: A Systematic Evaluation, In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), All over the world, September 21-26, 2021.
- [IEEE-PC] A. Zuniga, H. Flores, P. Nurmi: Ripe or Rotten? Low-Cost Produce Quality Estimation using Reflective Green Light Sensing, IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, 2021 (IF: 4.95)
- [UMAP] N. T. Nguyen, A. Zuniga, H. Flores, H. Lee, S. Perrault, P. Nurmi: Intelligent Shifting Cues: Increasing the Awareness of Multi-Device Interaction Opportunities, In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2021), Utrecht, Netherlands, 2021, (Acceptance rate 23.3%)
- [PMC] M. Liyanage, F. Dar, R. Sharma, H. Flores: GEESE: Edge Computing Enabled by Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVs), Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal, 2021, (IF: 2.72)
- [PerCom] H. Emenike, F. Dar, M. Liyanage, R. Sharma, A. Zuniga, M. Hoque, M. Radeta, P. Nurmi, H. Flores: MIDAS - Characterizing Everyday Objects using Human Touch: Thermal Dissipation as a Sensing Modality, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2021), Kassel, Germany, March 24-26, 2021. (Acceptance rate 14.8%)
- [IEEE-IoT-Magazine] H. Flores, N. H. Motlagh, A. Zuniga, M. Liyanage, M. Passananti, S. Tarkoma, M. Youssef, P. Nurmi: Toward Large-Scale Autonomous Marine Pollution Monitoring, IEEE Internet of Things Magazine.
- [MobiSys][DroNet] H. Flores, A. Zuniga, N. H. Motlagh, M. Liyanage, M. Passananti, S. Tarkoma, M. Youssef, P. Nurmi: PENGUIN: Aquatic Plastic Pollution Sensing Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs), In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys Workshops: DroNet 2020), Toronto, Canada, June 15-19, 2020.
- [UbiComp][IMWUT] N. T. Nguyen, A. Zuniga, H. Lee, P. Hui, H. Flores, P. Nurmi: (M)ad to see me? Intelligent Advertisement Placement: Balancing User Annoyance and Advertising Effectiveness, In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), Cancun, Mexico, September 12-17, 2020.
- [ACM-HEALTH] N. Mäkitalo, D. Flores-Martin, H. Flores, E. Lagerspetz, F. Christophe, P. Ihantola, M. Babazadeh, P. Hui, J. M. Murillo, S. Tarkoma, T. Mikkonen: Human Data Model: Improving Programmability of Health and Well-Being Data for Enhanced Perception and Interaction, ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, 2020.
- [ACM-GetMobile] H. Flores, J. Hamberg, X. Lin, T. Malmivirta, A. Zuniga, E. Lagerspetz, P. Nurmi: Estimating Energy Footprint using Thermal Imaging, ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, GetMobile Magazine, 2020.
- [PerCom] H. Flores, A. Zuniga, F. Faghihi, X. Li, S. Hemminki, S. Tarkoma, Pan Hui, P. Nurmi: COSINE: Collaborator Selector for Cooperative Multi-Device Sensing and Computing, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom 2020), Austin, Texas, USA, March 23-27, 2020. (Acceptance rate 14.2%)
- [HotMobile] H. Flores, J. Hamberg, X. Lin, T. Malmivirta, A. Zuniga, E. Lagerspetz, P. Nurmi: Evaluating Energy-Efficiency using Thermal Imaging, In Proceedings of the ACM International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile 2019), Santa Cruz, California, USA, February 27-28, 2019.
- [WWW] A. Zuniga, H. Flores, E. Lagerspetz, P. Nurmi, S. Tarkoma, P. Hui, J. Manner: Tortoise or Hare? Quantifying the Effects of Performance on Mobile App Retention, In Proceedings of the ACM International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2019), San Francisco, USA, May 13-17, 2019. (Acceptance rate 18%)
- [PUC] C. Luo, A. Visuri, S. Klakegg, N. van Berkel, Z. Sarsenbayeva, A. Möttönen, J. Goncalves, T. Anagnostopoulos, D. Ferreira, H. Flores, E. Velloso, V. Kostakos: Energy-efficient Prediction of Smartphone Unlocking, Personal and Ubiquitious Computing Journal, 2019, (IF: 2.39)
- [IEEE-PC] E. Lagerspetz, J. Hamberg, X. Lin, H. Flores, P. Nurmi, N. Davies, S. Helal: Pervasive Data Science on the Edge, IEEE Pervasive Computing Magazine, 2019, (IF: 3.02)