Mobile social networking services and applications have become unprecedentedly pervasive, covering messaging, gaming, advertising, recommending, commercing, and content sharing. Recent technology advances such as edge computing, Internet of Things (IoT), augmented/virtual reality (AR/VR), and wearables are bringing new challenges and opportunities for mobile computing/communication, and also for provisioning online social networks and related services on mobile devices. For example, AR/VR has the potential to enrich online social network user experiences (e.g., Facebook Spaces), but enabling such enriched experiences anywhere and anytime requires computing and communication resources in closer proximity to mobile users, via emerging technologies such as edge computing.
The goal of the Hot Topics in Pervasive mObile Social neTworking (HotPOST) workshop is to bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners who work on mobile computing, online social networks, and the intersection of both, to identify new problems and discuss latest research ideas and results, especially those related to novel and emerging technologies. HotPOST focuses on all aspects about mobile and online social networking, including architecture, service, design, implementation, measurement, modeling, algorithm, and analysis. The topics of HotPOST 2020 will include but are not be limited to the following: (1) mobile-centric and/or location-based social network services; (2) reputation, incentives, economics, and user behavior in mobile systems; (3) IoT, AR/VR, wearables, crowdsourcing, and/or their support for social networking services; (4) Mobile Edge Computing (MEC), Software-Defined Network (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), and/or their support for social networks; (5) security and privacy in mobile systems and social networks.